

Student loan problem


This video clip gets my attention because the speaker refers to Colorado State University where I used to study at before. 

He takes up a student loan problem. Two systems are proposed to solve the huge student loan debt which many US college graduates owe with them. One is imposing income based tuition fee. Second one is imposing different tuition fees based on majors because dependent on majors facility costs and other costs are different. 

In Australia, similar systems have already been  implemented (though, it only works with hundreds of thousands of international students who pay high tuition fees). You have to pay it and most people lend sort of student loan but the there is a key difference on how to pay it back.In Australia the debt will not be collected unless your salary reach the threshold amount, roughly 50,000 Australian dollars. It's so-called income contingent loan. Also, tuition fees differ depending on majors. 

In Australia, for informed decision, the government subsidized website, called QILT, offer information on the average salary of college graduates by each universities. Say, according to the website, the median salary of 2013-2015 graduates from the Australia National University is $59,400. 70.5 percent of graduates are full-time employment.